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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wait, there's more

An addendum to yesterday's post. Lookout Pass on the border of Idaho and Montana not only marks the continental divide but also the change from Pacific to Mountain Time. I can't think of a better point to enter mountain time than that creeping climb to 4726 foot Lookout. It also marks a transition in climate: the temp in Washington's high desert (yes, Washington is more than the rhododendrens and western cedar)yesterday pushed 104. This side of the divide it might reach 84. And this morning we had the furnace on as the low dipped to the low 40s.

CORRECTION: Lookout Pass is not on the continental divide, and the valleys below it drain to the Snake River (and eventually the Columbia). Though it does demarcate the time change. The Divide bifurcates the Waterton Glacier International Peace Park further east along the Lewis Range and Livingston Range.

And I forgot to mention dog two: Christopher, our rescue Samoyed. All his parts are working fine, though at times he is like the lion in The Wizard of Oz. But his confidence is improving.

And for those interested in our conveyance:

Today we are leaving St. Regis for East Glacier via Flathead Lake and Columbia Falls and then bisecting the Rockies on Highway 2.

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